You will never know, because I will never tell. You will never sit within my heart or my head. You will never hear my thoughts, touch what I touch, know the beating of my heart, see what I see or understand the tastes that I experience. You will never know because I can never tell.

What makes me unique are those very things I can never share with you, or anyone else. What makes me laugh or cry are only known by who I hold closest and love the most. If I let you in, I hope you will stay, but if you leave, I can only pray that you will not try and destroy me.

What I learn about others, I keep to myself. What I share is love, kindness and compassion, laughter, wisdom, learning, and hope that all to experience a better day. What I hope from my friends is the same.

What people see is a strong, confident, self assured woman, able to manage the path of, what can sometimes be, a difficult life. What I am made of – insecurities, with a bruised inside from all I have had to learn or face, and I nurture vulnerability; all of which can surface at any given moment.

You don’t know all of me. You see me from one side only. So know, that when you cut me I bleed, when you hurt me, I cry, when you belittle me, I shrink a little more to the inside, and when you breathe lies and gossip, you break my heart.

You will never know me, because I will never tell. I thought I knew a little of you, but today I realise I never knew you at all.

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